Thursday, August 16, 2007

FoO Review-Paladin

Today, I'll keep the FoO-mania rolling as we move along to one of the less used but for some reason most despised of classes, the Paladin.

Avenger's Shield

This card would be a lot better as an instant making it an uber-Hammer of Justice. As is, it's solid, but I'm not quite sure it makes the cut in a Paladin deck. I've already talked about it though, so I won't spend more time talking about it here.

In limited, it's a very good card and can be a huge tempo swing. It's also very good against the popular aggro draft strategies.

Blessing of Divinity

Giving ATK and health bonuses aren't very good in this game because damage never goes away. This one's unplayable.

The same goes for limited.

Divine Illumination

One day Holy Paladins are going to make a broken combo deck that centers around readying your resources over and over and having your stuff cost less. They're not there yet though.

It's not terrible in limited because even worst case scenario, it's a card for 1 resources which is a bargain.

Guarded By the Light

Normally, I'm not a fan of this type of card, but I saw this thing do some crazy things at the Sneak Preview. I think if it has a place in Constructed it's probably in a Nimaasus deck, but I doubt it makes the cut there.

In limited, this card is actually a lot better than it initially looks. If you play it right, it will save an ally from death while taking out an opposing ally. It's basically a Paladin's Power Word: Shield which I have a lot more respect for now that I've seen it in action a few times.

Hammer of the Righteous

This is a solid card, but Hunters don't play Point Blank and it is the same thing. Hunters have more spot removal though, where Paladins don't have a whole lot. I don't think it's a great Paladin card, but it's certainly playable, especially in Paladin control decks.

In limited, it's a pretty good card if you're already in Paladin. Most people play Warrior and Paladin for the equipment, but this card will very often give you the chance to trade it for a higher drop on the resource curve.


I think it's a borderline Constructed card. The fact that it's a cantrip is a plus and it's far better in Alliance decks than Horde where you can bring back Magnis, Jainas, etc. It's not an automatic inclusion, but I can see it having its uses.

In limited, it's a significantly better card. In an evironment where you're stuck with the cards you get, it's like a second copy of your best ally which is a very good thing to have. This is a very good limited card.

Righteous Defense

I'm not particularly thrilled by this card in Constructed, but Gary does have a Paladin list where it seems like it will have a place. For the most part though, I don't like this card very much.

Limited is another story. I think Paladins got a lot of good cards in Fires for limited that many people will overlook because they are not great Constructed cards. This effectively let's you take control of an attack on defense. Giving your hero protector is a very powerful play in limited, and this effectively does that for one attack. It's a little bit better than just granting protector though because you can use this with an exhausted hero and this will be a surprise most of the time you play it.

Seal of Blood

I'm not really a fan of cards like this that deal extra damage to the thing you hit with your weapon. Most of the time when you swing at allies, you hope to kill them with just one swing. Anything big enough to require two swings is going to take a significant chunk of your health with them. The ability gets a little better when hitting a hero, but even then, I don't think that just dealing 2 extra to the hero is really enough to warrant a card slot.

In limited, the weakness of the card is even more glaring to me. The weapons that a Paladin will be using will one-shot most allies, so you'll really only be doing 1 extra to yourself all the time. Controlling the board is almost always more important than just killing the other hero quickly. You can play it as a spot removal ability I guess, but even then it's pretty weak sauce.

Seal of Vengeance

This one is almost as bad. It would be a lot better is Paladins could dual wield, use ranged weapons, or had a way to deal combat damage other than actually attacking. The main ability on this one is slightly better than Seal of Blood because you're not hurting yourself every time you swing (and let's face it, swinging is probably the reason you're playing Paladin in the first place). However, the destroy effect of Seal of Blood probably makes it slightly better than Seal of Vengeance either way, they're both pretty bad.

For limited, read everything I just wrote.

As a class Paladins got a little bit of new stuff. Not much in their ability set really seems to jump out, but there are some solid allies that will work nicely with a Paladin and Horde Paladins can now play Holy Shield. I figure Paladins will probably remain a decent niche deck that probably won't crack the top tier of decks, but some people definitely have a good time playing them.


At 8:27 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I'm not sure I get you on this. So power word shield is one of the strongest card in the game but paladin get some semi equivalent that sometime will even be better and it's not that great a card? If you play some type of paladin rush it's a 4 X type of card. And if you don't, I can tell you right that your deck suck, it's the same thing with a priest rush, you put 4 power word shield in it unless you are trying to do a deck that suck for some reason.

The one where your hero become the defender could be interesting, but it's much more like a melee version of blessing of freedom. Depend at the deck, if you are trying to protect something like medoc or magni maybe but that's another type of card.

Also comparing hammer of the righteous to point blank doesn't make you look too hot? One work on defending hero only and totally suck and the other is 3 damage on any attacker and is at least very playable? Not the same type of cards at all.

I will have to test the resurrect but the priest one was always one of their best card. The problem with priest was the rest of their cards. In a more control deck it was solid so I'm sure it's going to be solid in a control type of paladin also. You are right maybe it's more for alliance but it's nice with ferocity also.

At 2:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

honestly power word shield is just better no matter how u slice it. but i do agree that if ur playing paladin rush u need to be running 4 of that and 4 of freedom. overall tho the paladin stuff wasnt horrible but wasn't amazing. isnt righteous vengeance just 10 times better than hammer of the righteous? so even if it is better than point blank its still worse than a card paladin's already have. i dont see redemption being that hot anymore because its probably not going to be that useful against rush because the first time u play magni will usually be enough. but i think against control its even worse because warlocks have a bevy of graveyard removal and ally removal its going to be dead more than active. but then again bringing back magni would make you look smart.

eric, the reason he's comparing point blank to the hammer is because 1. they are each 2 for 3 damage. 2. they only work on attacking things. i dont understand when you say "One work on defending hero only which sucks." surely when u are being attacked u are the defending hero, so doesnt that make them basically the same thing?
I dont know what priest deck uve been looking at but didnt you see the one that Top 8'd at Dark moon Faire Chicago? i would say priest is on par if not surpassing Paladin decks right now.

At 2:30 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

One work on any attacker, like if that guy is playing hippogryph to trade with your parvink or whatever you can kill it instant with it. Something you can't do with point blank since it's only when your hero is being attacked. It's only really usuable in solo hunter deck or so.

There are some cases (more limited I agree) where 3 damage for the turn is better then 1 shot of damage. Hmm, say, example, this ally will die from searing totem at the start of my turn. With power word shield he survive the totem only. With the paladin one, he prevent 1 from totem and still got 2 in "bank" for the rest of the turn so that a 3/2 can trade also with another 3/2 and live with damage or with a 2/1 and live also. These cases do happen but I agree overall pws is better.

Omedeus priest rush do well right now (I was the one playing Omedeus in chicago) but other types of priest deck aren't that viable mostly due to lack of "punch". That may change with the boots though and stuff like that with the new cards.

At 3:04 PM , Blogger B Lyons said...

When I said the two were close to the same thing, I meant in Paladin control and Hunter control respectively, but I guess that didn't really come through. The Paladin and Priest abilities each have situations where one would be better than the other. For example, when your opponent is about to Aimed Shot you for 10, PW:Siheld is better. There are examples both ways, but both cards are very solid and the most common use will almost always be to stop an ally from taking damage during combat, so they both act as virtual 1-cost removal.

At 8:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i had a feeling that eric that played priest at chicago was you. which is why i was hesitant but i guess i wasnt really sure if you were that same guy.


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