Monday, November 27, 2006

Legion of Superheroes Previews

Well, the Sneak Peak is only a week away and the Legion of Superheroes previews are in full swing. So far, I think most of the cards are pretty decent. It seems like the power level of most of the cards is staying about where it has been since MXM. A couple of the cards that really jumped out at me are Time Trapper and Wally West. The Time Trapper is a great card against all the toolboxing in this game right now. With all the Enemy of My Enemy's and soon to be Mobilizes plus Ahmed and Poison Ivy running around all the time, Time Trapper will put the hurting on an overly searchy opponent. Throw in his 5/5 body which is a nice size for a 3 drop and he'll be pretty good in any deck that wants to run him. Given the Future Foes ability to either get an ability or force a discard he could turn most of those abilities into something very nasty.

The other card is Wally West. I think this card is pretty nutty. He has the ability off initiative to always (almost) stun your opponent's 5-drop to prevent any curve-jumping tomfoolery. Throw in the fact that readying him while the ability is on the chain gets you another stun and you're looking at a turn 5 where Wally stuns their 4 and 5 and then you've got all kinds of options. Wally is the new Roy.

The other big card worth mentioning is Mobilize. This was meant as a way to bring mono-team decks back to the forefront, but I think what may end up happening is that a 2-team deck with team-ups will now have access to both Mobilize and Enemy and the consistency of this type of deck will become pretty ridiculous.

That's all I've got for now. I'll have some more thoughts on the new set next week after we've seen all the cards.


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